Kal El

Ok hear me out now but what are the chances of Boon and Raylan's shoot out being heroically interrupted by a bandaged Boyd ?

I always felt that this was literally an unforgivable act, not just for Jamie and Tywin but most of all for Tyrion. It is just unbearable to think about your one and only love goes through a baby of macon event and its your fault. I think they would have been better served to drop this completely but now they have

LOL I meant she heard him during the fight, and the best line considering who was fighting " I am not a Knight" but yeah probably not too chatty on the Isle of shhhhh.
Brinne My Dog
Hound My Biatch
Nothing but love for fallen friends

He says it later and it's funny !

Yes but in the books they had never met and so seeing a 6'4 fella with a scarf does not mean she can guess he is the Hound but meeting, hearing and fighting a guy generally leaves an impression. I think most of us would be able to guess who it was if we met the Hound wearing a scarf !


It just seemed like Penny was an ill advised reflection on being a dwarf accepting of a place as an outcast but through the voice of a Mall Rat, Vapid teenager which was frankly irritating. I cant even guess what Dinklage made of those Chapters if he read the books. No to Pretty Pig and no to Penny !!

you would lose that bet please Stewart Lee;s comments regarding Kick Ass

I might be wrong but SPOILER does she not become very close with ceresi ? we should still be seeing her next season

Yes I hope so. I actually think this might be one of the times that the Show will do better than the books. I am hoping they offer Tryion a little more dignity than the books did. I still dont see how they are going to introduce him and the Mother of Dragons via a lion but it cn be worse than riding a pig. The odd

Hello this is my first comment but I have a question that is really bugging me.