セイン ジェレミー (J)

So, can we do the same for John Waters plz?

One can only hope. I don't understand the reasoning behind taking the most innocent character of the season and damning her to eternal suffering when someone like the axeman gets to stay in a cabin cooking fish.

Misty Day!

I really couldn't be less interested in this.

In japan we only got the pepperoni version i think. It wasn't completely terrible, actually kinda okay, though the sauce was more cream cheese-y than regular pizza cheese that i was expecting. It was a little sweet for pizza. Really overpriced though.

This is worded funny. Amazon hasnt really ordered anything from Ghibli. They are producing an English dub of a series that already aired in japan.

Damn amazing cast through


I mean, hes obviously a cockroach.

All hail the oxford comma. I doubt her boy toy massages hot dogs.

He is a very very attractive man. Do wish he got offered better roles.

The article makes it seem like Netflix is in Japan. It has not launched yet but it will in the fall. Also China already has its own widely used services.

So your opinion is that Ellen Page, a nice gifted young actress who most likely would not be into you, is not attractive to the point that you've said it multiple times in this discussion. You must feel very strongly about this.

And don't forget the gays. Lots and lots of gays.

No reference to "It Runs In The Family" i see. That was a sequel that at least had the same director and narrator (Jean Shepherd).

I'm surprised the writer of the article didn't mention one of the biggest surprised. Hayao Miyazaki's last film, The Wind Rises didn't get a best animated film nom, but was nominated for best foreign language film. Is that a first for an animated movie?

I guess leave the family documentaries to Sarah Polly then? I did enjoy Gondry's I've Been 12 Forever, so I thought this would have been better, but Polly's film Stories We Tell really got to me in a way his didn't. I hope it at least gets an Oscar nod.

I'm comfortable with them leaving the acting to their sister Elizabeth.