
"AAAAAhhhhhh………GOTCHA! You've been punk'd God! We're not really Satanists, we're just secular humanists!"

The only time you'd do something that crazy is if you wanted hilarity to ensue, which clearly the creators of Charles in Charge did not want.

I think the key to cracking this case is to find out what subject they would have been studying. Sexy math, the history of butt plugs, or Cosbyology for beginners should be 5-10 years easily.

Dammit! I knew I forgot something….

I think that would make him a different kind of predator then.

Point taken. Next time I use the office bathroom, I'll close the stall door when I shit. Sheesh.

I know some people like that too. It's like they have some sixth sense where you stay at a job long enough to add it to your resume and move on to something better, but not so long that they realize you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

Bravo, good sir. Well played.

I've always assumed it's dining for attractive people.

I never learned to make coffee at my public school. Pay more taxes.

You're the real hero here.

We can't say Lemmy?

Same for me. Everyone tells me I'm a "dope".

That's a valid arguement, but I'd also point out this is referring to venues with capacities 750 or less. So presumably small local acts are being taxed as opposed to the bigger national performers.

Scott Baio burn outta nowhere!

Miss Beastiality 2: Armed and Fabulous

I feel like I have to go potty now.

Blimpz was the worst boyband ever.

They weren't usable because he was hanging dong in the handcuff pics.

It's amazing that this guy with this setup was able to hack the NSA and Hillary's email server in between jam sessions.