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    Also, square cut double dough > deep dish

    Gotta put Tootsie Rolls over Lemonheads, the hell man?

    Lollapalooza looks likely no? Then again the lineup has moved more and more away from bands like B&S.

    I mean it is the 20 year anniversary. Sidenote, holy shit.

    10 albums, woah! Anyone know a good place to start of their other albums? I only know them through The Tigers Have Spoken.

    Anyone else notice the talking head of Silva after he won was him in the same exact shirt, and seemingly the same interview, but with mystache, sans mustache and back?

    The elevator one made me laugh


    Am I the only one who thinks things have gotten too crazy?

    You didn't have to be a multi-millionaire to live across from Wrigley 20+ years ago. The rooftops are a (relatively) recent thing.

    The War Room is on Hulu just FYI

    It's about hope….

    I'm sure that era of Jonathan Richman was a reaction to the punk movement, and Jonathan probably deliberately went twee. Though I still don't think it was for irony, it was still pure 100% Jonathan, juat maybe a bit more sunny to conrast with what was going on around him. And basically everything else he's done since


    The second and third, albeit not to the classic stature of BBR&R, are GREAT records. We'll just blame the last record on Frank Black….

    As a Jonathan Richman fan and someone who's seen him 3 times in concert, I have never for one second thoughtJojo was putting on a facade. That's just how he talks.

    You're confusing Pet Sounds with Smile.

    So Peggy's going to kill all three Dodd brothers now right? And Jeans Smart's going to take her out?

    For me personally I can't think of a band who has two songs better than "Ceremony" and "Temptation"