
Or a fjord. Or an inlet.

Starship Troopers you fool! More tits but not hers - quantity not quality!

That memory has been deleted.

300 squared.

Must I?

Spiders don't produce milk! They want the fine silk from his abdomen for their new garments!

Inject a unique hash code into your replies and then other commentors can use it to find your post gain using Ctrl+F! #FH2387

Don't mind if I do!

I think bringing flowers would be appropriate if you have to dig them out of their grave first.

Somehow I don't see Michael Gambon stepping into his role in FF7. RIP.

I would also highly recommend State Of Play for anyone who likes their political/journalistic thrillers. It's a six part BBC drama that was recently shown on UK TV.

Speaking of Screenwipe I definitely feel that the protagonist's misanthropic speech and his fate has more than a little bit of Brooker's bits in it. I see that final seen as somewhat reflective as in a similar way Brooker gets to pour scorn over the madness of society for which he is compensated well enough to have a

You are horrendous and ugly. (Am I flirting right?)

Subtle - I like it.

Justice Lords - fuck it, in every universe bad guys gotta die.

Super Dark Bat Rises

1. Rollerball - James Caan version
2. Total Recall - Arnhould version of course
3. Sin City
4. Big Trouble In Little China - watched this a fucking lot when younger
5. Starship Troopers

No, last seasons loooosers.

I think Richards will have the next kill.