
West Staines represent. Aiiiii.

Yeah, it's a tricky balancing act because too many and the money you're making is just going into treating tennis elbow.

That's why I always wear an onion on my belt.

This could all be ended if she'd just get them out for real and stop with the teasing.

It's hard to pull your eyes away from them because of the gravitational effect.

That's right, this man has no click.

Total harmonic reversal.

Frankly if that had happened that film would be at least 5% better.

My son is also called Bort.

John Hinckley should have aimed for the head - that was his mistake.

My butt is iron. I think that counts as making me Ironside.

See you at the party Ironside!

I was looking for this comment otherwise I would have posted it. First thing I thought of.

Just really belt it out anyway.

Hey now, some of my best friends are drunken zombie robots.

I've got the minimum 15 pieces of flare.

I thought you said you'd kill me last!!?

This thread makes me cross.

Religion is serious business…

No, you brought up the idea by saying: