
Meat alternatives are rubbish. Eat insects.

How much of a shit do you really give about your chosen ethical stance if it can be invalidated by swanky parties?

Why are you projecting human moral values on organisms that would probably damn well keep "victims" alive for years if it suited their survival? For creatures that don't live that long you adjust the timescales accordingly.

Presumably it's also a legendary land where animals magically have their dietry requirements fulfilled without needing to eat each other. Otherwise there'll still be fear - just not homo sapiens induced.

What about insects? Anyone got a problem with me eating them?

I can respect life by eating it myself.

Go watch Jonathan Meades Vegetarians J'Accuse for a succinct summary of the kind of hand wringing engaged in here. It's on You Tube.

For the umpteenth time!

Fast and Furious: Citizens On Petrol

You guys just need to shift into a different gear to deal with it.

Jesus, you really do hate the new Star Trek films.

And I can't believe the BBC hasn't paid so I can watch more Parks and Recs on BBC Four - the channel for adults - whilst if I want to watch Family Guy it is constantly on BBC Three - the channel for adults who didn't quite manage to learn anything in school.

I assume that there's probably a slash-fic between Sisko and the Defiant.

I'm kinda tired of seeing Shia LaBeouf ruining my enjoyment of movies. I can live with more exposure to Justin Long.

The plot twists will get all knotted.

Or "Motherfucking Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson Motherfucker".

Simple solution: get these people onto hoarding digital files. Then all they need is a tape backup storage solution and they can spend all day trying to backup the Internet. Get Google onto this pronto.

I'm hoarding all the likes. That problem with Disqus? That was me.

What I've never understood is how do the cats know to go there? And what kind of self-respecting cat would live in there? Our cats would have point blank refused. They were middle class cats of course though.
