

A spoon too big to fit in their mouths!

It's simple:

So true. I fucking love the James Caan version.

Plenty of commentaries have the cast on them but yeah, fuck The Big Bang Theory.

And Garibaldi still had hair.

It embiggens us all.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  I definitely agree on Season 3. It has the most distinctive and ambiguous music behind it I believe and also the hyperspace jumpgate motif works really well. But watching the season 4 opening *again* again I can see there is a bit of foreshadowing in what bits of

I guess maybe the kinda squidesque being when they try to take down new Kosh could be in play? The only other squid like thing I can think off is when that alien with Centari penii attacks.

It's true, although I'd say that some of the writers on TNG did better with Picard's mental scars than others. Mostly, as Rowan has said over the reviews, certain TV conventions were restricting. TNG did well enough with what it had. B5 knew what it wanted but the networks also knew certain things had to be fulfilled.

So… you can't say it is or is not a Babylon 5 MMO?

Working for a BigCorp and having done some training on influencing skills - not involving nuclear warheads (damn) - I have to agree. I can see this idea of Kosh in me. Yeah, I know what's expected. I can see what the others are doing. But it ain't right. And damn the consequences! It's time to change. I may only be

The AV Club

LOL @ Used Starfury salesman.

You… have… a destiny @avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus .

America is the politics of the Corporation - good or bad. Ain't no order versus chaos here. Either you have power or you do not. Either you're of the tribe or you are not. You guys are still operating on a very visceral level when the rest of the world really wishes you had a maturity matching your influence.

It's always interesting as an Old Worlder looking on the New Worlder's views on politics. And by that I mean USAians. I'm sorry to say this but you guys have lost the plot just a little. You desperately need a third major party to break things up a little. Hell, it probably won't really change things in the long term

Highs of the fourth: (spoilers implied) just, really, really great battle scenes and Sheridan's torture.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus  TimeCop's boss really sold that scene.

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus  excellent point but bacteria and viruses have them beat hands down all the way.