
I always watch the end of Superstore when I begin my recordings of The Good Place and I guess Powerless now and wow I've always cringed by how bad it is.

I wouldn't complain if SHIELD went to space to tie into GoTG 2 though.

Some people said the same thing about Laurel although I think a lot of her detractors shut up when she became Black Canary.

I'm giving the new Black Canary a chance. I don't know, I just don't think she was "ruined".

Something something good guys something something

"I like that your loyal to your friend. Okay, that's cool. But why can't you be loyal to me and trust me when I say she's evil?"
"Okay first of all, loyalty isn't the same thing as trust. I'm allowed to disagree with you. Just like when you disagreed with me at Catco. The length of our friendship doesn't mean I have to

She apparently likes vegan ice cream so I'm kinda already wary of getting more of her.

He has the Affordable Care Act and voted for Trump to get rid of evil Obamacare? Just kidding, the only Trump supporters on Supergirl would be Cadmus members.

Why didn't Alex, the DEO agent, follow Kara? She could have captured Lillian while Kara was stopping the crane.

I like Felicity this season better, Laurel's dead, and Barry…they need to find a way to make him fun again but eh.

Superman has a league of partners in the search for justice. His friends are very super.

Well if you are in the mood for some gay couple drama, How to Get Away with Murder this season is trying it and it's probably the best part of this season.

Sometimes the CW, in it's self-awareness, will play with your expectations and go somewhere else. Sometimes.

And he would liven up the Flash so it would resemble it's fun first season instead of mopey Flash.

It's too bad they didn't get Michael Rosenbaum to play Lionel Luthor.

I hope Supergirl is like "oh, well, that's something, but now that I know you and Daxam is gone and it doesn't really matter, I don't really care."

I continue to hope Lena doesn't turn to the dark side or isn't playing a long con. I like the idea of her being good but maybe that's just cause I like the character lot and what she says she wants. I thought this was a really good episode but it does feel like they hold the Martian Manhunter back even when it makes

Somewhere a Rachel Goldberg is celebrating this momentous moment in history.

"On the other hand, the ease with which Andy is able to access the data
is so casual it almost has to be intentionally horrifying."

Ha! I knew that Jimmy Smits' father was evil as soon as I saw the actor. It was SO obvious especially with his first weird joke demasculating his son at a campaign event. So predictable.