
I need to rewatch the episode. Seems I missed a lot of jokes, they just kept coming. I love it when a comedy is a joke-a-minute though.

When I played Madden years ago, when I didn't care and was playing a season (which since I was like 11 and was just playing for lolz was all the time), I would take over the other team and pull shit like that. No idea why the game let me play the other team. I would go undefeated.

My rankings:
1) Black-Ish: An election political episode that just worked simply because beyond it's message to VOTE (New Girl) or just trying to take advantage of the election season (Modern Family), it actually had something to say. It might not have been a ringing endorsement of Clinton, pointed out that Ruby would

I think the episode was more B or B+ than B-. It had it's faults, one of them being he went back in time to save his mother and she's like in 2 scenes in the new timeline with zero personality, but it was fun to watch and discover what was different. Plus great to see Barry happy for once.

I'm hoping that happens. I'm also hoping there's an episode where they get stuck in a time loop. I'm also really interested in what happens if they get sent to the wrong time period-it's suggested the Lifeboat doesn't always work after all!

I don't know Fringe is like my favorite science fiction show of all time and it had a female lead and I didn't think it was light-weight. I think Timeless is currently light-weight but with the potential to be more heavy.

I also feel a lot of the criticisms will hopefully be addressed in future episodes.

I like that the show has really embraced it's trash. Man that landlord's over the top acting, the hilarious Mexican stand-off between what are supposed to be legit Gotham mayors, and discount Adam Driver as the Mad Hatter…I can't stop laughing.

I don't know. I thought the show was a fun time despite the flaws of the pilot and I do want to see more of it so I call it a successful pilot.

Man, I keep loving this show. So far for four episodes straight, I'm laughing from beginning to end. That's a win in my book.

I liked the second episode (although that cliffhanger was terrible with the sudden we have a survivor yelling) but yeah it's a bit jarring when the show goes for West Wing-like optimism. That might be because these aren't really well-defined characters whereas in the West Wing, a real desire to do good is a key part

Man I can't wait for tonight's Blindspot. Plus to see if Designated Survivor holds up in it's second episode!

It worked this week though (and only this week) because now you have the audience wondering: who is he, what exactly did he do, how will they reverse it, etc. It won't work in future episodes, true because then it'll be annoying, but for this week it built intrigue so it's cool.

[*] GHOST RIDER! This just keeps on being awesome. Daisy jumping on top of the car must have HURT though since her powers are weakening her right now. Not a smart move. Also I love the interactions Daisy was having this week. Chloe Bennett was the episode's MVP.
[*] The Ghost story! Who is Joe? What are they?

Probably edited for time-they probably took as many takes of that Trump bit as they could and used the best parts only, probably their intention since it's a tag scene. Promo footage doesn't necessarily come from the actual episode but the footage the editors have.

Some of the college kids could register in California if their home state is California.

There wasn't a story line just a bunch of jokes.

Since the last election? When he was a big Romney fan? It makes total sense he would vote for Romney and be ready for Paul Ryan 2020 but skip out on Donald Trump though.

Can't IMDB just do a basic IP check and just keep the birthdays on anyone who isn't accessing the site in California?

why can't it be both?