
I think Mother has something to do with Woodhouse's death/knows what happened which is why she has said so little about helping Archer find him. Cheryl was great in the little time we saw her. Trinette making an appearance was also nice. I'm glad Lana had more screen time but with there only being 8 episodes this

Kreiger being Jewish and actually trying to stop the nazis was a nice twist since in regular Archer everyone thinks he's Hitler reborn. Cyril is still always a step behind and the loser but in Dreamland he's competent and leans on the side of menacing occasionally. Waiting for Archer and Lana to actually get some one

I loved the first episode of this season! The visuals are stunning and i liked that it was still very funny but focused more on the story. Seeing Archer see Lana for the first time (and her dissing him) was great. Speaking of Archer and Lana, if after 8 seasons they aren't married by the series finale I will be