
A large portion of Google Earth images are obtained via satellite imagery. There are a number of satellites that achieve sub-meter resolution of images on Earth and the ISS also carries cameras with that kind of resolution. See for example:

Yeah it is pretty hard to believe none of the people left on the ground sent out any radio signals in the past 100 years. There are also many satellites especially military ones in orbit around Earth that would easily be able to resolve something like the TonDC settlement, even if the cameras on the ARK were all

While I liked this episode the AI track has me a bit worried for next season. I am not sure this show treats science intelligently enough to do a good AI story. Don't get me wrong I like the show but most of the head slapping moments have come from really bad science coming out of characters mouths. Starting with the

Lexa's decision really doesn't make much military sense. Why would she not want to once and for all eliminate the military threat the mountain men pose. Take the mountain and confine the mountain men to level 5 or whatever and absorb all that weaponry and technology. And maybe they can even inoculate the kids and