
he is, early on and only briefly but I remember nudging my friend and doing my best Ssssseth Brundlefly impersonaton because I am nothing if not an 80's child.

Just back from seeing this at an early preview at local Odeon in the UK. Wow. Never heard a cinema crowd leave so quietly. And everyone stayed til the screen went black, no MCU tag.
This utterly blew me away. Best X-Men film by far. A perfect end.

Saw this on a freebie the other night and it easily passed my 5 laugh test. Am amazed you can do a whole review without mentioning the wonderfulness that is Miranda Hart. Maybe because she's a Brit and she's not as well known over your side, can't see AV club falling for the rustic charms of Call The Midwife or her

Great to see A Field in England mentioned here, one of my favourite
films this year. And an interesting experiment in England where it was
simultaneously shown on Ch4 in the UK the same time it was released in
cinema's and VOD. Quick point out that it's League of Gentleman's
'Reece Shearsmith' who's the tongue

What happened to Sail Away Sweet Sister? That's my favourite song off this album and was looking forward to seeing it referenced. A sweet melancholy little song that spoke volumes to my 12yr old self when I stole the album off my Dad. A tape he never got back and still is in a box in my old tape collection.