Charles Foster Offdensen

I hate to disappoint (delight?) you, but it's the clowns who want to, um, stuff all your holes, not Spanish-Speaking Mini-Hitler.


I read this as more of an exasperated rebuke than a helpful hint and giggled just a little.

I found the first two episodes to be painfully unfunny and such slogs to watch. The third one was mildly funny in the beginning, but then it, too, descended into being unwatchable. Sucks, because I was really looking forward to this show.

Right, because it's Dan something or other. I mean *Dan*—is there a more forgettable name?

I'd watch that in a heartbeat. Well done, sir (madam?)

I tend to agree with you here on two points: I almost never feel the need to watch a Tarantino movie twice and I also find his movies to be enjoyable in an ephemeral sense. I've referred to his movies as "tediously fun" in the past.

Amy finally grew on me, but back in the day I found her face to be disconcertingly unattractive. I always thought she looked like a discount Star Trek character.

Ugh. Another Hollywood-studio cover-up. DiCaprio needs to speak out about this so others will find their voices and come forward about the rampant bear-rape culture that consistently goes under-reported by the mainstream media. #TheEmptyBear

Swearsies I'm not being a dick, but I find him to be so ugly. He's simian-looking to me and I can't for the life of me understand how he's made out to be handsome. He makes my genitalia go, "Uh, no. Just no."

Those wacky Brits say 'series' instead of 'season'.

Phew! I thought it was just me. I was having trouble putting my finger on what I hate about the music, but, yeah, you pretty much summed it up for me. I hate, hate, HATE the music on TLS and it's all Stay Human's fault!

Sigh. It pains me to write this, but his show just isn't all that funny. I loved and miss the shit out of The Colbert Report. It was smart, silly and, most importantly, funny. The Late Show is smart, silly, but somehow just not as funny.

^ This. This times infinity.

I don't like the new banner ads at the bottom eighth of the page.

Your analogy, while well-written, is just silly. Everyone knows you would stab someone to death with sparkle pens.

Post-S1 Homeland has always been terrible, it's just that as far as terrible shows go, this one's fairly watchable.

I'm in the "Don Totally Wrote the Coke Ad" camp. At the end of the opening credits the character ultimately ends up seated, looking rather relaxed and wearing a suit. He's back in corporate America, doing what he does best—creating iconic ads.