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    Also, I'm pretty sure it was Mac and not Daniel with those excellent karate moves.

    That scene is now driving me crazy! I'm firmly in the flash-forward group. My pics for the unlucky are Charlotte and Ray, but that amount of blood would never be produced by two people unless it was the most brutal of murders.


    During Eleanor's storytelling I did feel some sympathy for her, but damn was it creepy. Who knows if she's actually telling the truth, going by her character's previous actions, I don't doubt it.

    You have my vote.

    I hate Captain Robles, but I was of the mindset "shut-up, Marco" when he was threatening his boss. Marco's on paper-thin ice already.

    Yes, that goodbye was ominous and I don't like it one bit.

    I'm not sure what the writers were going for with that exchange and the conclusion of Tate. Clunky writing for my taste. It certainly could have been handled better. I have a feeling that it will be revealed that Marco didn't take Fausto's comments seriously.

    Correctamundo. I found it odd, but charming that he reads a vampire series.

    *Linder. Sorry, I don't like being a grammer Nazi.

    I don't think Marco believed Fausto would make an attempt on Tate's life since two episodes ago he stated the quasi-satisfaction with killing his own son's murderer. I believe Marco will unleash sometype of hell on Fausto once he finds out he's been robbed of his vengeance.

    Thank god Cesar didn't eat the dust. Eleanor didn't seem as threatening to him.

    Other than Sonya and Marco, he's my favorite character.

    Icky, but probably.

    I chuckled at the riding off into the night on a motorcycle. Very poetic.

    She must have hit him with the blunt end of the axe on the face since his head didn't crack open. I was surprised he was still conscious after she hit him the first time.

    Obligatory Jax bare ass shot.

    Season one overreached on her Aspergers at points (in my opinion), but this season is playing it perfectly (especially tonight's episode).

    Only Ol' Ray-Ray could cause a catastrophe, but avoid the aftermath.

    It would Ray's luck that he somehow wouldn't get killed. Caesar is the best and deserves to exact some revenge on Ray for suffering through his treatment.