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    Confusing, because season 5 of Veep was a pale shadow of season 4.

    Jesus Christ, Internet, is this the only thing you can even do anymore?

    It’s the players who give these tropes distinctive life, using derivative building blocks to create custom characters, adventures, and experiences.

    I love Bob's Burgers and I'm super glad this didn't go down this way, because cannibalism squicks me the fuck out.

    I can almost hear H. Jon Benjamin (as Bob) reading the script and being like "It's great, but, uh… do you think you could maybe lose the cannibal thing?"

    Weirdly, I feel like I like Bob's Burgers IN SPITE of the songs. They never do much for me.

    I did. Thanks for sharing it. It definitely explains it a bit more. And as someone who had it given to me on a CD-R in 2002 at the age of 19, helped me understand part of what came before and in other places. Definitely more articulate than this piece. Doesn't quite capture some of the big points that were part of the

    For real. There's definitely something to be said about the cultural phenomenon and the mythology around NMH, Mangum, and the album, but it's not said here. The legend seems to be "there's this album" and the getting out of handedness seems to be "some people have a tattoo and paid to see them on tour last year." It's

    "How anyone can sit around balancing things on his ears with all the trouble there is in the world today… well… I just don't know."
    This is probably my favorite. Also destroys that nonsense about lopping off the fourth panel.

    Peter Jackson choosing what he saw as a better fit for his vision of the role over the opportunity to hang out with David Bowie for a year and a half must have been a tough choice.

    Next few years. Until we die. Whatever.

    If you're going to bother making a joke about fans ruining Buffy for non-fans, then just commit to it.

    It's like Clickhole, but not funny.

    A truly excellent comment. Thanks for it.

    This was one of my mother's favorite movies, but I think we lost it or something by the time I was 11. We watched it A LOT before then. All my aunts and uncles loved it too, if I remember correctly.

    I'd be cool with Louie fighting harder for his stance, but at the same time, he absolutely shouldn't have taken away her phone, and that's ultimately what initiated the argument. That he premised his argument on the need for her phone to be taken away made the stakes different, and made it harder for him to continue

    I'm not denying your relationship to the premise or source material has some impact on how your receive the episode, but the idea that how it's executed is immaterial is a ridiculous reach. I've enjoyed homage/parody/spoof episodes without being very familiar with the source material and vice versa.

    Good review, but I really don't think this makes much sense:

    Thanks to this post, I've spent the last hour watching Alan Kalter bits on YouTube.
    Thank you, this post.

    I was born in '83 and started watching The Late Show regularly probably the summer of 1996. It's basically shaped my entire sense of humor.