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    I really want Adelind to turn back into a Hexenbiest again. I can't stand her and Nick together. She not my favourite anyway but their little "be careful, honey!" thing is a flat piece of paper. I want her to get badass, or something other than the domestic persona. Please no Nicalind!

    Ha! Lol.
    One of the things l've liked about Grimm is the "bad", predictable, trashyish writing, the very bad, over dramatic acting from the guest actors, the boxes-of-Nick's-mom's head-type writing. And, the gaping holes in plots that I just have to let go of and move on. Yes, I hadn't thought about it before but

    Yep, but Grimm is not a show that digs deep into details or backstory. Things happen quickly, plot just moves right along.

    i totally agree on both thoughts! It was obvious that Juliette wasn't dead. The show was practically broadcasting it with the no dead body, the Hexensnarls from the cell.

    That was Juliette, those were Hexensnarls.

    spoilery. :)

    I just need to pat myself on the back. I wrote on here a month ago predicting she'd return and save Nick or something. 'pat pat pat' Okay done. Not rocket science, but still. :)

    I LOVE that Juliette is back. She'll be awesome as this character. For me it was obvious that she'd be back.

    There's nothing thats says Juliette is actually dead. If fact much seems to say that the show is holding out and she'll return one day to save some Nick or something. When Chavez went toward the cell and opened the slot there was a hexenbeast snarl/roar. Plus there is no actual hard evidence of Juliette being dead

    Agree!! I wrote about this above. To me this show is formulaic (which can be fine some times), we always know Claire and Frank will get their way. They are one dimensional and robotic in this way. I'm not sure i'm interested in season 3.

    I totally agree. I was expecting to see a whole back piece! Not a few little vines down the side of her torso.

    KINDA SPOILER AHEAD. NO CONTENT REVEALED JUST THOUGHTS THAT HINT. FYI. I have completed the entire season. I think I have made the mistake that House of Cards wouldn't be formulaic. Nothing is wrong with formula with good TV and film. But I thought this wouldn't be happening with HofCs. YES the show is well written.