
I hope a tiger bites Johnny Depps penis off.

The first famous act to see Jimi Hendrix was Keef and the Stones. This was before Jimi was anybody. And they thought Hendrix sucked. Was garbage. Stones are kinda infamous for being jealous and bitter.

We all know he is a fraud. Pretending to be the patron saint of superheroes. He's a scum bag. No one forced him to defraud Kirby and the public, that was his own choice.

I cannot wait until Stan Lee is finally dead. It will be a good day.

If this is true then why didn't Cenac punch Stewart?

It's good Greenberg did the honourable thing after the failure of Grooveshark. Iwata would be proud.

Eisenberg must have a strange picture of genocide because I never pictured it to be thousands of people yelling at you. " Remember boys, before we kill em all, we gotta first stand in a tightly formed group yelling at all our victims."

RIP is very disrespectful to Japanese. Most of them are atheists. And the rest are Buddhists who believe in reincarnation. Either way, there is no rest. Only shame or honour. Iwata brought shame by failing with the WiiU. But with his death he has atoned. This is a good day for Iwata.

After the embarrassing failure of the WiiU, the thinking of many Japanese will be, Iwata deserved his fate.

Committing sepuku is common for executives in Japan. Death is an accepted and desirable atonement for a failed executive such as Iwata. He has regained honour today. Nintendo shareholders are surely wildly cheering right now.
This is not a bad outcome for Nintendo. You need to stop putting your Western way of thinking

Again conveniently ignoring the fact its from someone who knew him and once again if you read the whole message it is completely unemotional compared to self serving westerners, the Japanese way. For some whose friend just died, he seems really really happy. Because he is. Your Western mind simply cannot comprehend

Americans for the most part are far more sentimental than Europeans. It's not a bad thing, just comes across as very artificial and quite self serving at times.

Those tweets and comments prove my point. They're from friends, not strangers, and even then, they are astonishingly unemotional. They seem so unaffected. One of them literally just says, " See you later friend." Wow, isn't that heartfelt?

They're not completely unsentimental. But a lot less so than people of the west.

The funny thing is, the Japanese public probably cares very little this death happened, as they don't believe in sentimentality over the death of complete strangers. Is the death of Iwata more sad than the death of an anonymous garbage man? To the Japanese, no.

I'm glad Iwata finally did the honourable thing after the failure of WiiU. Much respect.

No mention of DIVX? The DVD competitor. Pour one out for my dead homies :(

I find the show one of the most aggressively mediocre shows I've ever seen. The commentary of Hollywood is just stunningly clichéd.