Ron Lane

Yeah, as that will explain everything. . . .

With apologies to most of you, but I find this show to be unfunny and unimaginative in all respects. Key & Peele = genius. IAS = medliocrity.

The show has become entirely self-referential at the expense of all else. And there's not a little bit of self-pity thrown into the mix. The skits are neither funny nor imaginative. So Amy's become rich and famous? But it's not all fun and crazy parties? Who the fuck cares. If you can't portray the experience in an

Whereas I haven't shared your experience, your post vividly makes clear the reality of that experience. Thanks for that.

Ugh. This was unfunny from start to finish.

What?? This was the unfunniest episode I've seen in quite a while.

The show itself, if anyone's interested, is completely empty, with cliches passing as political insight. Just one guy's opinion, however.

Agreed! Unlikely that any limited series will ever equal the greatness achieved by Alec Guinness's "Tinker Tailor,'' this one served to merely pass the time. Not a bad thing, but nothing to get terribly excited about either.

Wrong. You've obviously never spent any time in Japan.

Many keen insights here. I agree with all you've said.

The review is also a parody? I hadn't considered that. But what explains the 'A' grade??

And that makes it funny because?

This was the unfunniest episode I can remember seeing. Or maybe it's just me. . . .

Agreed. To have expected P&E to convince Paige to join The Cause, the Soviet "powers that be" could only have been monsters in their lack of human empathy. That's perhaps how they've been depicted in "the movies," but how accurate is that depiction?

I'm a bit lost. Are we to believe that both Noah's and Allison's stories are the recounting of events told to the police? If so, then some events are not merely misremembered but willfully untrue so as to cover up the crime. Just checking. . . .

True Detective. In the car.