I have heard writers often inadvertently make tulpas due to having to spend so much time construction a personality and thinking through a perspective that is not their own. The whole thing is pretty neat to me.
I have heard writers often inadvertently make tulpas due to having to spend so much time construction a personality and thinking through a perspective that is not their own. The whole thing is pretty neat to me.
No? Most YA series are not super popular. I would say Peter Pan is more famous than those City of Glass or Shades of London books.
I think it was also a monster on Supernatural, but i don't watch either show so this brony thing was news to me.
I was excited to hear the world "tulpa" as i came across a community of people who purport to make tulpas when researching occult thought experiments. It seems like it's mostly Bronies making vivid imaginary friends (ponies) they can then fuck. I'm excited to see where this rabbit hole leads on Twin Peaks.
Is there a stigma to reading classic children's and YA books?
I looked this up on wikipedia wondering what the fuck, and apparently after some health problems, she kicked up her leg to show the doctor how well she was feeling (grand?), dislodging a blood clot in her leg that went straight to her heart.
There's really only been 1 or 2 slow episodes in my estimation. If you wrote a week to week summary, tons of stuff happens and moves along each week.
you need to throw open your arms and scream it, uncharacteristically excited.
I don't think she's a good actress but her presence doesn't really bother me. I can't really see complaining about her scene here when you have James and Freddie sucking up the place later on, turning what should have been a compelling scene into what feels like a high school play.
Are you implying the Annoying Orange is NOT one of the creepiest things you've ever seen?
For me, for the Trump supporters in my life, it breaks down between:
Why don't you guys do this for Twin Peaks too, jackasses?
Yeah, I can stand to be smarter and more worldly and I know they use disqus. I think birthdeathmovies uses disqus too.
I think i might try the Atlantic.
It's not out here yet in theaters and it seemed like the sort of small foreign release i might forget about even if it ever makes it here in the coming months.
I owed him a dig.
For horror week a few years ago, AVClub asked him to select 5 horror books he recommends. It gives you a good idea of what he's like.
Danielewski is a seriously pretentious piece of work. It is unbelievable how seriously he takes himself.
And I'm sure the world needs to hear your music.
You know, I kind of miss when Yahoo was a portal. I liked going down those rabbit holes. I don't know if anything like that exists anymore.