
Honestly, I don't remember all that well, so I did a quick check-in on the season and while they did match for wins, he only faced elimination once, whereas she did 3 times…all said though I loved having a female top chef, and have eaten at one of her restaurants and it was one of the best meals I've ever had. I was

Agree, although the thing is we all DID think he should have won, because he was consistently putting out better dishes and was humble. It's amazing how much he changed into the obnoxious character he became. I don't like looking at Graham Elliot's glasses though, or his outfits. Just all of him generally.

I absolutely adored the Jesse L. Martin episode. I think my aim name even had exley somewhere in it.

Ah yes..plus Padma's unfiltered disgust with him licking the spoon was lovely. In general, I think Padma's judgmental nature stands in for us as the audience, plus she's pretty enough to make people cry when she does it.

I'll start forming the mob if no one has any better ideas. But I'll also indulge you, Grayson is bringing some top quality bat shit crazy to this years proceedings, man bun looks and acts like the caricature of a hipster LA chef, and the sassy chef, i mean she called her self the sassy chef. The hating crop is good

Commenting on the contents each piece of chocolate during the trial was my favorite bit.

Agreed, they obviously have no love from vice, and now I know I have put together why I had already seen it, as it had just seemed to record on my DVR

Does any one know why I had Dronez recorded on my DVR the same day as Sandy Passage, watched it and then it was mysteriously deleted. Do I have a benevolent but odd DVR ghost?