
What do you expect? He's serving several consecutive life sentences.

My mom's cousin used to be their bass player.

Weren't there also fingerless gloves involved?

True, or it might been one of those unspoken secrets that everyone knew occurred.

Apparently Andrew Robinson was playing Garak as gay until they told him to stop. He apparently saw a pretty obvious subtext in Garak's first meeting with Bashir and went with it.

Worf also had a very idealized view of Klingon culture from having grown up among humans. Almost every time he spent significant time around Klingons on either show he was left at least somewhat disappointed by having some more illusions shattered. I could see Worf assuming all Klingon men are alpha male ladies men.

My brother's best friend was the very rare double showcase winner. Most of the stuff he just took the cash for.

I bought a Wii and other than things in the Mario/MarioKart/Smash Brothers line, I was always pretty depressed by how much crap was released for the console. I mostly ended up using it for nostalgia gaming via the Wii Shop.

My parents bought one.

I wonder how much of that was people not buying the 3DS because the DS library wasn't great so they had given up on it.

Christopher Reeve as Superman, Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, and not DeVito, but Burgess Meredith as the Penguin.

As a very friendly old timer I know likes to say "that's a long time to go without a drink for drunks like us. You done good!"

Was it the look on Mac's face when Dee came out with their baby?

That book gave me an even greater appreciation for how good of visual storytellers a lot of the golden, silver, and bronze age guys were. The Image guys really ushered in an age where comics were more about looking cool posing than using visuals to tell the story.

It's not a rap album. It didn't "drop."

Fallout 4, although I've barely played any of it this week.

The Fogwell's sex scene was just stupid. It was like they told her to go full Skinemax mode there. All that was missing was performing oral sex on someone's stomach.

It seems an odd choice not to include anyone from Doctor Who on this show. I want Ace to be involved!

That was all Texas. Okay, maybe some Arizona. The point is, don't lump New Mexico in.

I thought the animation was a little rough in places, but overall it was pretty good.