
Hey! Not all old white sex criminals are crotchety!

"And furthermore, we the jury find the immoral Swift woman guilty of sloth. Not once during this trial did she knit socks, churn butter, or raise a barn."

Marah Eakin is dismissed from the jury pool for referring to Ms. Swift's earlier music as "country fried."

And he left them and went out of the city into Bethany?

But Sam brings him food and drink. If he was thirsty, why not ask Sam for more instead of writing a letter to express his thirst?

The nice thing for Mile High is the Denver Comic Con is a really good convention.

I grew up in San Diego and went every year for about 12 years. What it is now no longer looks like much fun to me.

San Diego Celebri-Con

My mom's cousin has been his bass player for decades.

He probably had a phrenologist examine each of his cabinet picks before nominating them.

There was an old 6th Doctor comic written by Grant Morrison (the one in which he infamously killed off Jamie) that had two Time Lords talking at the end about how in the distant future the Cybermen would become the greatest force for peace/good ever known in the universe.

What, with all the pro-Thatcher episodes during the 6th Doctor era.

I would have preferred if he went by Them Aster.

I love both the TARDIS design and that 12 uses the TARDIS far less than the last two Doctors especially. I'm glad they're doing more of the TARDIS takes the Doctor and his friends somewhere, they have an adventure, and then leave in the TARDIS, not use the TARDIS to deal with a lot of the problems.

Utopia was a good episode really elevated by Jacobi's performance. The very short time we had him as the full Master was amazing. He would have been the most terrifying one yet.

And there was a Cyberman head Easter egg in "Dalek."

I was never clear if Pizzaface was supposed to be a horribly scarred version of Delgado's Master or not.

And he doesn't remember her. He figured out who she was.

I thought it might be him. At first I didn't realize it was and I was going to look on IMDB to see who was playing Razor but I decided I might spoil it for myself.

My main complaint is that his fake name wasn't an anagram of The Master or something that worked Master into the name. He should have been Sem Hatter or something.