
You see, a pimp's love isn't like that of a square's.

That makes the most sense to me.

Now he's just Plain Zero.

I'm surprised the article didn't say "Prince's guitar playing is smug and has no character."

God, that sequel is terrible.

Or mule, if we're talking about Gladys.

Still working blue, I imagine.

Or that shitshow "A Very Special Christmas" covered every year on the eponymous album. For my money, the worst version was done by Macy Grey.

This was just staggeringly stupid.

The hell was that? If Sinatra isn't your cup of tea, fine, but to say his voice has no character is ridiculous. In fact, the review even contradicts that. Wouldn't smugness be a characteristic?

They look like they're sensually smelling each others' armpits.

AncientShenanigan is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.

I'm sure if she does, she gets it private. People who smoke pot never discuss it.

I thought Michael B Jordan was supposed to be really good in it.

I'll try again!

Eight lightyear olds, Dude.

It wasn't letting me write it in.

And whoever plays Dario Cueto.

I wanted to vote for Lucha Underground for best show of the year.

Cornjob will be blamed.