John Wilson

"Recalibrate?" That's a fancy shmancy way of saying "More boobs, more goreā€¦"

You take the fun out of everything, Internet.


You're the hero the AV Club deserves, but not the one we need right now with this particular video, Internet.

Why, internet?

The AV Club

If you've read the any of the Quarry books (which are about a hitman BTW) you'll realize its not much of an "evolution". They're decent, sometimes fun, books. But they also feature lots of descriptive sex scenes. And plenty of nekkid wimmens.

I didn't see Jack Sparrow at all. They have to start sowing the seeds of his and Dany's romance soon, right?

Roses are red
Hot dogs are delicious
No one trolls av threads
Like this guy right above me.

And absolutely no George Hamilton Zorro. Boo!

Rom:Spaceknight sits by phone getting drunk, weeping.

"While Kyle is obviously not alive to shoot Michael Moore from a distance"
Bless you, Mr. The O'Neal.

Because the internet.

For an extra ten points: Where's Wallace?

Fuuuuueeeeit. (shit, I fucked up!)

Deflategate has taken a bizarre turn.


Around the turn of the twentieth century. Look it up. Make sure you do so on an empty stomach though.

Still an American invention.
