
I'm probably going to be shouted down for this but I really didn't like it. The April/Jackson relationship is one I could never really get into and it feels like the writers have put them through the wars (literally) to boost them as a couple to root for. The technique used to tell this story was great but after

I totally agree - the dream team needs to reassemble! The internal conflict with David Lee and the relationship with Diane were definitely high points. I hope that season 7 is just the long road Alicia is taking in returning to Lockhart/Agos (and whoever else is a partner the week she returns)…

I'm really trying to come on board with BvS but the preview just hints at too many inconsistencies and problems - Batman with a gun (he doesn't use them after his parents were shot to death!); Lex Luthor acting more like The Joker; and Doomsday added to an already packed line up… just seems like an unfocussed ADHD

I'm not 100% sold on the premise that Wes is Annalise's son… I have no doubt she has a connection with either of Wes' mother and due to her history with Eve, it is a connection which she is also aware - "It's him"… Because it is bordering between sexual/maternal is why I don't see him as "hers", but she is looking

Thought the same that Kandy and Pearl should have been the bottom two… Thinking maybe a surprise "judge's save" may be in it this year and will go to Trixie??

Totally agree on the lack of inspiring music for the lip sync battles… Aren't these seasons supposed to get better and better?? And Untucked is a mess - when going "back to basics" one should remember "basic bitches not wanted!"

is it just me or does the review not quite match the "A-" grade given to the episode??