Dee Dee

She needs to meet the True Death. I was really hoping for it last episode.

Nope (thanks for the suggestion though)… I was speaking of the sex scene in one of the few enjoyable episodes in S6, Fuck the Pain Away. Maybe it was a body double… or they just made the sex look so down and dirty I assumed she was topless.

I agree. Remember when it still looked like things were going to basically follow the book Then okay, loosely follow the book? By the S1 finale I was almost ready to give up, but thought hey, Stephen King wrote the premiere to S2, and he knows what he's doing, right? Just an abysmal episode. I can't do this any more!

Me neither!

yeah, I really hope we've seen the last of weepy Pam.

Sounds like Joe Manganiello wasn't thrilled about the direction his character started taking in S6. He still seemed like he was having a blast during S5. He seems like a pretty genuine guy and talked (before S6) about how much he loved playing Alcide. In this TVline.com interview he's a little more blunt than he is in

I knew however I phrased that it was going to sound dirty!

She showed her tits during her sex scene with Jason last season, didn't she? And no, you don't sound like a creeper. I usually have to re-watch every scene where "Big Joe" got shirtless - I miss all the dialogue because I immediately start having some really dirty thoughts about him. GODDAMNIT BUCKNER THANKS A WHOLE

One of Joe Manganiello's first jobs was dressing in costume as Captain Morgan and going around with a big barrel of it on his back and promoting it by going to bars and giving people free squirts of rum (and helping himself to some). So maybe someone on the writing staff who still pays a tiny bit of attention to

There's too many shows that meant so much for me for me to narrow it down to more than name a "top ten favorite shows". But SFU is on that list. I really, really connected emotionally. One episode had my husband on the brink of tears, and to this day I cannot watch the last ten minutes of the series finale without

Alcide in human form is much more intimidating. I would love to be able to turn my eyes red and glowing at will while snarling. It'd come in really handy in certain situations, like when my doctor tells me he wants to start giving me less Xanax. I'd probably have to go around in sunglasses when I have PMS, though, I'd

I'll help attack "Bucky". Seriously, after reading his defensive, arrogant, condescending interview (don't call a fan favorite-character "trash", don't say how "erotic" we're all going to think it is seeing Eric naked in the context we did, don't… oh just fuck yourself, BB) I felt like kicking him down a flight of

I think not.

"What the fuck is going on about THAT I have no idea"… I laughed.

Is there actually something called True Blood Origins: Pam, or is that just your way of saying you didn't think including her backstory w/Eric was a good idea? I'm not picking a fight, just genuinely curious.
Agreed that they've showed us enough "vulnerable Eric", I'm ready for him to start kicking ass and taking

Agreed. Also, someone's gonna get seriously hurt if they kill off Pam. I'm pissed off enough that Fangtasia is no longer a 'thing'.

Yeah, that's like the polite way of putting it! About as much as I can defend Sookie, too. I've had REALLY rough days and some HORRIBLE phone calls, while having raging hormones, but never been tempted to chuck my cell phone across the room, let alone into the fucking WOODS. And when your (smoking hot, played by Joe

Let's just agree to disagree on this one…

Breaking Bad didn't have too shabby of a final season. I'd also say The Wire finished pretty strong, too.

"Lady 'Go Fuck Yourself'! "