Dee Dee

trust me, you've got plenty of time. Plus, it'll go faster if you're a male.

I heard Miss Joanie Stubbs is hooking up with bikers now.

Yeah, the only thing I laughed at was her ripping his clothes off in one large motion.

Next week, I want Eric in my face ASAP! Uh, that came out wrong (or maybe not, now that I think of it)..

Was that the basement in Fangtasia they were keeping the kidnapped humans locked up in? Because it sort of looked lik— fuck it

You could tell how heart-wrenching it was for her to leave them there (especially when they noticed she was leaving and cried out for her in distress. That was sad), so I'm pretty sure she's not going to let them starve.
Hate to see if anyone but her goes in and tries to boss them around, or worse yet try to steal

yeah, fair enough … I'm going into "acceptance" mode now and probably 24 hours from now will have calmed down. I'm still pissed about the other changes, and this interview, in which GRRM seems to be confused about whether he's describing the episode (like EW.com asked him to) or the novel, as far as everything they

He god dam mad dog, eh?

and they'd still be hungry…

I wish we'd gotten WAY more suffering from The Mountain in the show. In
the book 'milk of the poppy' (opium) didn't make a dent iin the pain; he
had to have something jammed in his mouth because his screams of agony
were distracting/disturbing to others in King's Landing. Here he just
lays there. COME ON, a little

Thought that'd get a mention too, it was fucking hilarious!

OK, true, but toss in a few other names and do it!

what exactly is the difference between" the book readers" and "the people who read the books"?

With Arya and the Hound, it was good enough I wasn't even let down by the line, "Maybe some real wolves will find you, then." being let out. Actually it makes sense after developing their relationship all season. That thousand-yard stare as she coldly regarded him begging for death said everything we needed to know.

And his character has enough fans that I really doubt it would cause any anti-Tyrion backlash. But I guess they think we're too stupid to follow any complications in a character. Have the rat from the end of The Departed crawl by while you're at it, why don't you?

Yeah, cause God forbid we see a dark side of Tyrion that might be too much depth for us to handle. BULLSHIT! I also thought during the trial they were setting up her calling him by his pet name (they changed it from "giant of Lannister' to 'lion of Lannister', but still). FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU—

Only time I felt they really fucked up a MAJOR moment in the entire series.

Yeah, but he still has to go out of his way to get to Tywin. The whole thing just zipped by so fast it was over before I knew it.


I skipped the 'previously' for that reason but assumed it was in there. Yeah, thanks for dumbing it down there.