Dee Dee

Fear, surpris—I'll come in again.

I thought I was the only one half-hoping for a post-credits sequence. I suppose now it'll be the ending of the S5 premiere, but I strongly, stubbornly will not budge on my feelings that it should have been the final scene of season 4. I loudly complained "MOTHERFUCKER!" when I realized nope, that's it. Getting all

That was stupid and I'm still pissed off about it. Other than the tension when Tyrion finally points the crossbow at his father, the whole thing went by way too fast for me. VOOP, there you go, you're free, Tyrion! See ya! Whoop, Shae's trying to kill him, no words exchanged (which I loved in the novel) snap her neck

At least that way he got to kill Tywin when he said the word 'whore' again, promptly following through on his threat. But that was really the only aspect of the scene that satisfied me (as to the writing, I mean—of course Dinklage and Dance killed it). GODDAMNIT! When it comes to the really iconic, pivotal scenes in


Yeah, the John Deere was shocking and funny. Ginsberg's fate was shocking and yeah, WAY less gore than I'm used to on Mad Men, even though it was off-screen. The GOT nipple slice-off was way more graphic (and I winced because it looked too real) but I didn't cause the truly shocked gasp that the sight of what was

Very well put, I agree 100%. I said, "Fuck, yeah!" out loud (well, as loud as I could without waking up my sleeping husband) when will got that stone-faced look and said evenly, "Well, he's your patient, Dr. Lector, you should decide the right treatment" (sorry for the paraphrasing, I know that's not quite right).

yeah, that's what I'm hoping. Really unfortunate about Wilko Johnson.

Good one! Glad I get to keep my lips.

"I guess what the king does when you tell him to fuck off."
Nice callback to Blackwater.

Yeah! Sniffing Carbona is my thing! Which leads to the third one…

OK, if a spoiler for books 4-5 is that we don't hear about a certain character , GRRM seems to have forgotten they exist then SPOILER ALERT.
It sounds like, from the conversation, they're keeping Bronn around Westeros, and I hope they check in on him every once in a while. I'm pretty fond of his character, and—uh-oh.

He SO deserved it. His character was so vile that it brought out a really bloodthirsty side of me I didn't know I had, and I couldn't wait to see it, in fact I think I had a big smile on my face. I hope his sister cuts off HIS reproductive organs and make him eat them, while he's stone-cold sober. In the novel I had


Don't forget, Cersei's on the rag at the time too. At least Jaime didn't earn his "red wings" in the book, though. Or if he did I repressed it…

He looked like some chopper lowered him down from out of nowhere into the middle of that circle… that was a NASTY face-bite. Also the "Goblin Zombie" was as pitiful as Bicycle Girl (well, in a different way, since we don't know the backstory, etc.) it looked like someone just let all the air out of its lower body.

Oh Christ, I laughed so hard at that, when I've been up for two nights in a row (non-voluntarily) and really needed to feel, well, not like a zombie. Thank you.

How far under 35? She's 40, being say, 8 years older than you makes her 'just look look a mom? Jesus that's depressing.

It's "How To Cook FORTY Humans" Wait, a little more dust here…

Anyone else think that Ryan Murphy DID have his mind on a Communist theme (just remembered he also said it was going to take place in, I think, Arizona or Nevada) due to the "easter eggs" he swore were dropped in the last few episodes all pointing there—or at least that was the consensus on the boards here—then did a