Dee Dee

It's worth it. Not his strongest movie, but Song-Kang Ho turns in an amazing performance (as always), most of the time I wasn't sure WHAT the hell was going to happen next, the usual very dark humor is there, and as usual, every frame is perfectly, beautifully composed. I liked it enough that I bought a used copy. If

That SUCKS! I wrote this because I felt like "up-rating" a totally lame thing to happen to a fellow movie lover is borderline insulting.

That thing was fucking scary! Every time I saw it I got creeped out. Then the episode would start, and… actually they had some good cold opens. Most during the first half of the season. I loved the one with Misty and the poachers. SIGH

Rabe definitely looked like she was having fun, and so did Conroy. Lange and Bassett seemed to be having fun, and at least delivered the lines with zest and enthusiasm. When performers clearly stop having fun, I stop having fun. Put some heart into it, or don't do it all! (except I guess when your contract demands you

Yeah, I wanted to slap some sense into the reporter when I read that. What an idiotic kiss-ass.

Yeah, RM had said the finale would feature another appearance by Stevie Nicks (she was the one that brought it up and talked him into it, but in her defense I think she pitched it better than it turned out) and would be the entire cold open-a music montage. When I saw her walking around lip-syncing, my heart sank. The

You get the shovels, I'll get the bleach.

>>Ghost Spalding and Kyle got rid of Madison's body; that's clear enough.
Not according to Ryan Murphy, who evidently just skimmed through the script, because in his self-satisfied, smug fucking post-finale EW.com exclusive interview (I linked to it ealier, but can re-post) he says, "[Madison's fate is that] she''s

"To be fair, I took it as Misty being stuck in that hell for ever on some
sort of spiritual plane, and then her body disintegrating."
Yeah, that's how I took it, I just don't think Murphy did. He just took it as her body disintegrating.

Oh, about that 'climatic' mother-daughter last scene that was supposed to blow us away on the finale. Usually the mother-daughter scenes in AHS make me emotional (since I lost my mom recently, who I was very close to). For example, the scene in Murder House when Vivian dies during childbirth and then re-unites with

Yeah, that actually would have tied up some loose ends. However, since the writers can only remember what happened in the previous episode (if that), I'm sure they forgot all about it. Spalding seems to have completely forgotten he was in possession of a live baby too, so I'm pretty sure that baby is deceased…

I know. It's the self-satisfied tone that gets me. Also I don't care how being a NEW! PARENT! has changed his life and made him think about things in a new way. Yes, please explain the themes to us, because apparently we've complete fucking morons to you… the interview does not bode well for next season, but we can


I believe the term Marie Laveau used was "baby gravy", which is somehow even more nasty-sounding.

She's only five years younger than Lange, too, barely a line on her face and a bod like she did in the 90s (though she got rid of those borderline female body-builder upper body muscles she developed purposely to play Tina Turner, which is a good thing). She looked fucking AWESOME and also like she was having fun.

It was a nice change that at least Lilly Rabe seemed to always be having a blast with her character, which is more than I can say for Farmiga or Sidibe, who both looked wretched and whose acting was REALLY one-note. To be fair, Zoe was written as such a useless sad-sack, I think the fault isn't so much hers as the

I was considering deliberately re-watching, then thought well, I've already seen it at least twice now. Then I realized I'd only watched it once. I even watched "Protect the Coven" more than once. Man, this finale was bad.

Is red actually a signature color for the designer? because then I'm concerned it's another carefully, cleverly crafted hint about RED being the prominent theme next season…

and maybe some slash fiction?

Hey, thanks for responding. Also for expressing what was wrong with Coven much more articulately than I could. Rage just makes me see red, and that mixed with extreme disappointment destroys my articulation; you put your finger exactly on—spot on—each thing sucking all the fun and force out of the season. I'm going