Dee Dee

This has been mentioned, but WHY THE FUCK! DIDN'T SHE USE HER POWERS! (other than because it wouldn't have been so convenient for Ryan Murphy's. —I went to write the word 'story-telling', but that's giving him too much credit— purposes) Madison couldn't protect herself from the gang rape because they drugged her, but

Not in the false memory, but in Fiona's own personal hell he did. Evidently that day will just be played over and over for all eternity. She spit out blood and what looked like a tooth afterwards. I was more than uncomfortable during those moments, I was PISSED. Suck bag of dicks for asserting smugly this season

Yeah, I know. That's what makes this surprisingly shitty season twice as much of a kick in the gut. I remember S2 getting me out of bed in the morning (OK, afternoon) some Wednesdays. I couldn't WAIT to write about the show the next morning, sometimes I'd stay up after the episode and write my piece that night. Shit,

At least only one black character LITERALLY hung around… but yeah. Though I loved every moment Angela Basset was onscreen, and seeing her play Marie Laveau bumped the whole unfortunate season up to a C- rather than an D- for me.

Agreed, it sure as hell wouldn't have redeemed the finale —or the season—any, but I was kind of hoping for it too as I watched. I wanted to see SOMEONE get stabbed. I guess I was so pissed off I got bloodthirsty.

I didn't even see the episode (though I can imagine), but I definitely enjoyed the hell out of your post. Well written, well said!

Oh God, that scene choked me up. I was OK until her mother begged her to come with her and Conroy told her, "I want to, but I can't," and started weeping. Hell, she was great in S1, but her work as the Angel of Death took my breath away. So many things from Asylum did. And while Asylum still is my personal favorite

Fiona WHAT, now? When did she promise it to him? I'm not being a smart-ass, I'm really asking. Even ONE less sloppy loophole would sooth my tattered nerves. That was one of my biggest beefs when it came to the list of things that was never explained, because you know, wouldn't want Ryan Murphy to do anything other

I was also thinking that as I watched, that we might have a flashback/vision that showed Madison stuck her up there or something when no-one was looking, that would result in Madison being burned at the stake. No such luck.

Yeah, but I doubt Murphy thought that through. Check out his fucking tone and lectures about parenthood and how clever he was with Coven, his FAVORITE SEASON!!! here (but only if you want to get more disgusted) on the ew.com post-finale wrap-up:

Hey, fellow former devoted fans who are now enraged at the waste of what could have been a great season! Want to get more disgusted than you already are? Probably not, but I'll still give the link to EW.com's exclusive Ryan Murhy post-finale interview here (hopefully I won't have to re-edit to include a hyperlink that

Glenn Close!

GOD I hope so. I hope the final scene (or close to it) is Cordelia's vision of everyone dead (plus, I think Zoe was impaled on something leaving her stuck high up on the wall, kind of like the first promos (sigh). Other than Misty all of the witches under 30 managed to destroy any good will I had for them. Excuse me,

I was actually hoping that would write off their two characters.

Yeah, that's also the happiest ending I can imagine.

That was the one time I got excited enough to talk back to the screen. Used to happen all the time during Asylum (and Murder House got me pretty enthusiastic when it was at the top of its game).

I'm already totally disappointed with this season for the reasons everybody above has already articulated better than I could already (Asylum actually inspired me to write, I watch any episode past the Halloween episodes of Coven and it sucks all the intelligent writing skills out of my brain). However, I'm still

He also has the smallest goddamned journal in the world, the pages looked like a shopping list would maybe fit in them. I guess he needs it to fit in his pocket, but still. YES it was terrible, like a parody of itself. My husband came to join me watching the episode when it (the monologue) was almost finished, asked

I also thought so, was sure he was going to then finally finish the job on himself he began attempting in S4. Oh, and did you notice the clever way he put all but one of the pieces of evidence (many of them blood-stained) in the same fucking dumpster? Oh, but breaking the tines off the carving fork will fix all that.

Good catch! I too busy yelling at the TV (clever things like "HOAH! Kill him, KILL HIM!") and for a second thought Eli was going to start sawing him like he was a chunk of wood or something.