Dee Dee

Is *that* what happened? If so, it explains a lot. Fuuuuuuuck.

It didn't sit right with me either, and I usually love the show (all seasons) so much I just shrug that kind of thing off. Well in TWO weeks (grrr, wish it was next week) …the preview showed Queenie passing a grateful Delphine a bag of fast food through the cage and Laveau rebuking her sharply-"I thought I told you

Well, RM made a point of saying, "she's going to be the wild card!" just like he made a point of saying that while Madison was still up in the attic, they was going to be a "Grand guignol" tribute having to do with her and Spalding that was going to be "the most shocking thing we've filmed yet, ever!" He pulled too

I, too, felt strangely drawn to find one.

Yeah, I'd watch the hell out of that show. However, EW online had a postmortem with Murphy where he confirmed it is 100% off because they realized it was affecting the writing on Coven (like having to NOT kill off a character when 'they need them for the spin-off). Though with Misty Day around that doesn't… yeah.