
Or Dennis Hopper and Alpha & Omega

The Nixon campaign in '68 tried to actively "monkey wrench" (his words) Johnson's peace talks so as to make Nixon appear more electable. Of course, you can never know how it would have played out if Nixon hadn't done anything - likely the same - but it is worth considering. Johnson's handling of Vietnam was incredibly

Is there gonna be an episode where Larry goes to a Sleater-Kinney concert? That's the best iplementation of Carrie Brownstein I can think of

They kinda touch on that in the trailer. The nazi drinking the milkshake says he has an "Aryan frame" or whatever

There were plans to incorporate Bowie, but (at least they say), they couldn't get around to it. The Log Lady scenes were filmed earlier because Lynch new about Coulson's cancer, but Bowie was very secretive about him dying. IIRC, many of the session players in Blackstar didn't even know. I wouldn't be surprised but

They said it in the video, so it's not a fault of the author, but I'm really confused as to what he meant? Did it sample a demo??

"the fact that the opening guitar line is actually just a sample of the one on Julee Cruise’s original track “Falling.”"
Uh, Falling and the Theme Song are the same exact song but one has vocals?? I mean Julee Cruise even plays Falling at the end of the pilot

One of the interesting cryptic hints we got before the screening that I'm really latching on to is this being a culmination of Lynch's career. In this 2-parter, there wasn't very much "pure twin peaks-ness" going on, but I detected a lot of Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, maybe even some Wild at Heart

He was supposed to play at FYF last year and dropped out a day before and Kanye replaced him. He's supposed to play this year too, and while I wouldn't mind seeing Kanye again, I think dropping out of the same festival last minute twice is a bit much

I think the statement that was attached to the tweet seemed to imply that the DOJ worked with the NSA to surveil citizens. So, you know, Obama didn't personally do it, he was just complicit!!

I hope this is your baseline reaction any time somebody spends money on things outside of living expenses

Oh, there's a new Jenji Kohan show coming out? Can't wait for the first two seasons to be solid until it spirals into implausible plotlines and incoherent character arcs.

It's also entirely possible that Milo's gayness is what led to his downfall among the conservative community. They've been able to tolerate his transphobic, racist, and Islamophobic statements, but they cut the line at pro-pedophilia? Could be due to the narrative that's been pushed for decades among homophobic

I don't think it's at all perplexing why a gay man would be embraced by the right if he espouses their views. It's a common phenomenon for someone who comes from a demographic that's not often thought to have certain beliefs be tokenized by the community that holds those beliefs, especially if they pander to the

The main reason Yiannopolous attracted so much protest over his bookings that he uses his platform to actively out marginalized people and start targeted hate campaigns. As idiotic as the things Lahren or Coulter say, one could make a case that they are exercising their free speech rights. This isn't a free speech

So I guess she isn't best friends with Ivanka any more?

I found one or two of the jokes to be decent, but the overall tone was so off putting. It's all so schmaltzy and on the nose. Would have loved some satirical wit a la Better Off Ted but it seems like they're going more for the Big Bang Theory crowd

PTA worked with Jon Brion and Michael Penn pretty regularly in the early half of his career, switching over to Greenwood with TWBB. Seems sort of akin to Mothersbaugh—>Desplat

Robert Downey Jr. was originally going to play the role, so at least Joaquin closer in age to Doc than him

My Neighbor the Yamatas was (I think) the only completely-CGI thing they've done before this, but that's a pretty great movie. And Miyazaki has used CGI embellishments in Princess Mononoke