I thought you guys were gonna do individual reviews…
I thought you guys were gonna do individual reviews…
Hot. Hot, hot hot.
Doctah' Please.
All in favor?… Motion carries. It is done.
Hell. Or "24".
No. They're very hard to pull of.
Because there is nothing "technological" about genetic re-engineering.
You mean Iron Man is the american James Bond? Well that credit montage makes sense now…
Iron Man got a B+, Iron Man 2 got a B, and Iron Man 3 settles with a C+.
Did he spank her with the towel at the end? Nice…
I had to google DTMFA. Fucking kids…
Ugh…Edward Norton.
Oh, man. Just when I'm out, THEY PULL ME RIGHT BACK IN.
Well, time to jump ship I guess.
I think he's dying. Anyone else?
I think he's dying. Anyone else?
I'm still crying.