
I'm still crying.

Korea, probably.

Korea, probably.

*banjo strings being plucked*

*banjo strings being plucked*

I'm scared.

I'm scared.

Watch 'Havoc'.

Watch 'Havoc'.

Oh, NOW you notice…

Oh, NOW you notice…

I'd bump up the grade for this a bit if they hadn't taken an asteroid sized shit on the heartfelt full-circle ending they managed to cook up.

I'd bump up the grade for this a bit if they hadn't taken an asteroid sized shit on the heartfelt full-circle ending they managed to cook up.

They're Draugrs.

Starburns, on a drug related issue, on the Law and Order episode.

Thank you, L.A.

Maybe it's one of those jokes that pays off later in that great Harmon manner.

You missed "Merry Changmas", Todd. Todd, Merry Changmas, and thank you.

You mean the Disco Spider?

Giving NBC the benefit of the doubt(I know, I know. We hate them right now, BUT), you think it could possibly be some stunt to get some form of reading on the show's popularity. Like; "Ok, so about Community. Pull it from the air, let's see if people actually give a shit about it."