
Sorry. He's actually paid… with Pied Piper swaaaaag.

Also Iron Giant was a huge hollywood release. This is a pretty small startup. How much does Hooli spend on swag each quarter?

A similar issue happened with South Park not long ago. Really solid episodes getting low grades. They received so many complaints they yanked the non-paid reviewer in the middle of the season.

Loved how Hanneman was roughly a portrayal of Mark Cuban only less Herman Munster-ish. They both have the same background — getting rich with an internet radio company in the early days of the internet. They both have the same modest increase in net worth — the sale of Broadcast.com made his net worth $2.3 billion

Holy fuck, how can one of the funniest moments of the entire show be a 'stray observation'?

Best episode this season so far.

The red button definitely sounded like Louis' voice.

Yeah. Hope the BR for this comes out soon too. It'd be nice to see the continuity episodes edited together as films.

Great catch. I was thinking the same thing. That was also pretty much the same exact situation as the previous episode that Maron appeared on. Strangely Maron himself didn't feel that way when Terry Gross mentioned that in a recent episode of Fresh Air.

If that joke flew over his head then this dude shouldn't be reviewing the show. The other guy who gave Louie all A's was a bit too "college lit 101" for me, but at least he got the show.


Anyone know what Amia said to Jim Norton? Loved that scene.

The coffee shop behind them during the Todd Barry scene, no one is interacting, everyone is just standing there in a daze starring at their smartphones.

I hear next he'll be doing the KAH Tequila skull bottle.