
lmao @ the avclub where a shameless advertisement for a bad game ends with a direct admission that the avclub gets paid if you buy the game bc of their review

**The AVClub!**

and of course with a less than 24 hour review turnaround the avclub awards this the same score as yeezus, because y'all put so much thought into everything

wasn't this guy in the news pretty recently for trying to have sex with high school girls

idk I just don't think high profile actors should be cast as james bond I like it being an unknown or at least sort of unknown

buckets of moonbeams is a brilliant line


hiphop lacks a sense of humour now? quick someone put on 'picacho'

it's pretty irresponsible of the avclub to not focus on the label's cut honestly

the real question is, of course, how much did portishead's label make? spotify is public about how much they give to artists, and it's a much higher figure than is listed here. for this to be the case means the label is cutting significantly into the royalty payments - after all, the streaming service pays the label,