
Stan was in the first minute or so. He was surpervising/paying off the guys cleaning up after "Scary-Oke"

Great episode. It pushed the mythology significantly forward as well developed characters. Now that Dipper's crush is out in the open this will mean Wendy gets more a signifacant role to play. Also it always a pleasure to hear Mark Hamil being evil.

I'm glad they dispenced with the whole "Stan doesn't believe in the supernatural" lie. It will let him be more directly involved like he was in "Land Before Swine".

Great episodes. Really nailed the sibling dynamic. I was glad that in the Lin/Su fight they were both right and wrong it. Also Su's little Tenzin dig,while nasty, was a very pissed off sibling thing to do.

And he's the class know-it-all. That made me chuckle.