Viva Hispandinavia

The Usual Suspects?

Antwone Fisher was a fantastic movie. He also had great roles in FNL & Spartan…then he just kind of disappeared. Disappointing…

Plus, Ryan Reynolds got a wife out of the deal. I dont know why hes complaining…

Speaking of FNL, if Michael B. Jordan ends up with the career Derek Luke got..Im going to be sad.

I'm pretty certain he's talking about Linda Ramone, (wife of Johnny).

Or the majesty that is "K2"!

Not so much that we're worse, as much as we share responsibility.

I wouldnt say doesnt have much. He's the lead in that Benghazi movie, which I suspect is gonna make far more money than Sycario, regardless of its merit.

Traffic did a pretty decent job of showing how the US was far more culpable in the drug wars than Mexico. There's bad actors down there, but their actions are largely supplying American demand.

Yeah, Franke Potente dies and noone seemingly cares…

He was fantastic in Blow.

No Creed Bratton either. This trailer could use some Grass Roots.

Was Duke in Rocky 5?

I think Mike Mills is on record as being the only one that still likes it. I think he's mostly responsible for their bubblegumier stuff…'

Considering the woman he wrote this for practically bankrupted him, I wouldn't blame him one bit for hating this song…

I will say Kimmel gets a long leash to speak his mind on his show, and I respect that.

The Pledge was a spooky little film..I really liked his performance in it.

It was a joke…and QT's a horrible actor.

Anytime somebody calls this movie Tarantino's worst, I'm reminded I'm probably the only one who watched Destiny Turns On The Radio…

It was bad enough when they made Valerie Harper disappear…