Viva Hispandinavia

Always in the way!


Me??? Go G????? Never!!!!

Wonder if we'll get the Sega X-Men games..probably the best Comics adaptatations of the 16 bit era imo.

I liked him playing against type in "Joshua".

Ziggler is pretty left leaning as well…

Considering he's her ex-husband…maybe not.

He basically took 3 years off fighting a defamation lawsuit, and promoting his most recent record, claimed that he was briefly considering retirement after the allegations broke…

Not to make light of this, but false accusations nearly destroyed Conor Oberst's career. They do happen…

Wasn't it Grant Morrison who wrote J'onn as the "Superman of the Southern Hemisphere"?

Would you ask Tom Petty that?

Mandy Patinkin?

Can't Hardly Wait taught me that Mandy was about his dog..

Looks like chief's got his teepee back.

Yessir..with Michael McDonald in tow.

Isn't Bob Barker still with us?

If you don't mind me asking, how can one listen to your broadcast?

As are Little Anthony and Dion!

Didn't Johnny Rivers have a bigger hit with that?

When Rock and Roll started, Chuck Berry was an old man talking about the lives of teenagers.