Viva Hispandinavia

I knew Sean Nelson a little bit back in the day…he's apparently waaaay happier being a journalist than he ever was a rock star. So good for him.

Funny because the Raiders also played in the L.A. Colliseum.

But that part where Michael J. Fox gets lasered. Or that part where Martin Short picks up a Martian hooker. Or that part where Jim Brown gets into the boxing match…I know I'm in the minority, but it's probably his most fun movie since Batman, and his most fun movie to date…

Mars Attacks is brilliant (when you're drunk)!

Wasn't Get Your Hands Off Of My Woman not only a hit (but in my opinion a better song)?

Mine is Powerless (Say What You Want) by Nelly Furtado. I remember when the first Nelly Furtado album came out, a bunch of otherwise serious minded music journalists praised her for being an original and I just didn't hear it. I didn't like any of the singles, nor the Missy Elliott thing she did. A couple of years

I remember liking the Rapture well enough, but when that song came out, I think in conjuction with one of the GTA games…it blew my mind. Absolutely fantastic!! Maybe it's that it's produced by Timbaland. Or that I've spent hours on google trying to look up who Ben Rama is? Either way, fantastic choice!

Hubba Hubba Hubba Money Money Money Who Do Ya Tusk? Who Do Ya Tusk??

Would you ask Tom Petty that?

Urban Cowboy

Rumble in the Bronx is probably one of my favorite movies I've ever seen in the theaters.

True story…I'm friends with one of those girls. It's proof to me that even the most amazing, talented people are willing to do something silly to get on national Television.

When asked if he thought he would make his money he said he didn't care..he just wanted to see what it looked like when they were finished. =)

He was the candy colored clown!!

U2's next record: "Spider Man: Turn Off The Cloud!!"

That godawful 9/11 movie Reign Over Me easily tops all his bs attempts at comedy as the worst thing hes ever done.

I loved his character in Chronicle but he always always always looks Dicaprio's character in What's Eating Gilbert Grape so watching him act kind of freaks me out.

He's not running an ice cream franchise in San Dimas?

Aah..the Aries Spears character…there's a bunch of great tiny roles in that flick. Cameron Crowe really knows how to fill out his movies.

"Say say say Sergio Valente!!"