
No *you're* crying.

"Join the circle jerk, grab a dick"

Also, I've never been more happy about a character's, well, characterization being changed in the transition from book to screen as I am about this season's Tyrion vs. ADWD Tyrion. I will take wise quippy adviser over whiny asshole on a boat any day.

Gah, yes! That's why she looked familiar!

Jesus tapdancing christ on a cracker, I loved this episode.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks a B- is way too low for this episode - thought I was going out of my mind there for a minute.


The Logan's Run mention in the review was in reference to the MeowMeowBeenz episode.

I was prepared to go on a rampage had the grade for this episode been lower than an A.

Re: "How To Save A Life" (the song)

With the exception of some great lines from Elroy, this one just didn't work for me for some reason. Maybe it's all the flu medication I'm currently on, but this was by far my least favorite of the season.

I'm just here for Susan Ross.

My best friend recently convinced me to try Undateable, since I love Ron Funches, and it was painful. I looked over at her five minutes in and said, "I feel like I'm watching a bad high school play."

I actually really enjoyed this episode. True, it's not as good as the first two in the "secrets trilogy," but still a solid episode. Loved Frankie and Elroy's reactions to Jeff/Britta and Chang being a teacher (and Chang's comment about his being underused).

I am so here for this TPIR nostalgia