Hercules Rockefeller

I hope so. What a stupid move that was.

Duffman's a pole smoker anyway, it's too bad they didn't permanently replace him (just not with Homer).

No, I didn't miss the point. You did, and every point I've made here. It makes me wonder what you could possibly be getting out of the show. You clearly lack the ability to make distinctions or see any kind of subtlety in anything. Never try to explain anything to anyone, or school anyone, because you will not

Season 3, Lisa's Pony. "Jer" was obviously intended to be the owner and operator, but he's doesn't have enough Poochie-like attitude. Since they never say he's the owner, there's a loophole for this clown, who I guess is more appropriate for the cartoon this show's become.

Gays, I suspect, secretly know they should be bashed.

It has nothing to do with whether it's a new main character or not. Poochie was intended to revitalize an old, tired TV show. King Toot may never be seen again but he's typical of the current Simpsons - any new characters are of the in-your-face Poochie type because of the cartoon it's become. Do you really not

He's a Poochie type character not because he's the next big thing but because he's a lame, obviously in-your-face character (with tons of attitude) that desperate shows bring in when they're out of ideas (which was the idea behind Poochie). I really couldn't see him having been introduced in Season 3 when the show

It's only proof that a lot of other people think the same way, and that you're in the minority on this one. I believe the description of the "new" King Toot as a Poochie like character is accurate. It's a sign of the New Simpsons. I can see my policy of not watching new episodes was sound as a pound, but I need to

The Simpsons Wiki does have "Jer" down as the owner. I guess a lot of people don't know how logic works.