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    You missed the reference to the great ghost story "Oh Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad" by M. R. James! ☺

    At least Grimm got that detail right!

    Next werk's episode is "The Cord" - Norman cutting the cord binding him to Mother?

    Although things have calmed down a bit from S1, where Norma drove by the corpse burning the the town square.

    Julia did say to Norma/n "I work for you," although it would've smarter to not let her client try to frame Madeline. To me, that scene was more about Mother's smug arrogance, "her" certainty that she could get out of jail with a story everyone else could see was preposterous.

    I loved finding out the character actually had a name!

    Passes the Bechtel test 110%!