
Really!? Well, i respect everybody, that is why i don't like lies and rumours.

I don't know if i like your work or not, i don't know you. Never said you were not good at what you do. The point here is that you were the one that downgraded 30 seconds to mars and his singer just because you don't appreciate their music. You might not like, but others do. Would you like that others say that all

Maybe Jared chose to be in band critically acclaimed that received several awards and has millions of fans around the world, instead of being an unknown comedian and hater that denigrates everything that he doesn't like on internet. You should take in consideration that if you don't like, others do. Your taste is not

If anyone could achieve what he has achieved, why haven't you did it.
Talk is easy,but to do is hard and is not for everyone.

Why? Are you the spokesman for the hipsters? I guess you are. I don't think that you have the ability to discern anything at all. Just look at you…

I would say that the music you listen is the worst of all.

I'm not Jared! I'm the Joker. I'm the one who is going to expose and wipe out your phony asses.

Yeah, Totally justified. What did he do? Oh, right, he used the method acting.

He said that he had fun "It was fun, playing those psychological games" . When he talks about pain, he is talking about effort. He put effort in everything he does because according to him without effort there is no learning.

Just listen to yourself, your narrow minded and conservative, old school blowhard. You just detracts and defame everything that is different and new.

My friend was a PA on that movie" That's Bullshit. You just invent things and say that someone told you. This is typical of the rumors makers. If that stories had some true in it, it would be spread all over the media when the film came out. The only true is that Jared didn't get out of the character and didn't