
Oh man, if you're right and we get a whole season of Dana&Leo!angst, I'm gonna cry! I don't fast forward bits of a show for fear of missing something important, but damn, I'll be tempted if this storyline gets dragged out. It seems like a totally pointless way of keeping the Brody fam in the picture. I'd much

I agree. It was a plan, but it was a plan Carrie hated. Though she was committed to it 100%, she still said "Fuck you, Saul," for making her go through such an ordeal. That's how I read it, anyway.

I'd forgotten that scene. Fair point. Maybe Leo will try to kill Dana? Or maybe when he suggests a suicide pact, she'll become disillusioned and realise that running away with him was idiotic and stupid?

Isn't the whole thing with Leo & Dana that they're going to kill themselves? Mike rather obviously mentioned a possible suicide pact with Leo & his brother and then we cut to Dana saying "I wish this didn't have to end" and Leo saying "It doesn't have to…" Unlike Dana I very much wish her storyline would end so I'd