
Completely agreed. And I loved how it was subverted in a later episode by having him do the opposite. "Hahaha, that was fun! Nah, I'm just kidding, it was actually quite annoying."

While all reviews should go beneath the surface of a show, and things like tone and structure are important, I do think the reviewer digs too deeply. A cartoon comedy set in the future is never going to stand up to such close scrutiny when it comes to things like character consistency, and it shouldn't have to.

Can honestly say I've never heard of him, but then you'd be amazed how easy it is to be ignorant these days. No Facebook and no TV license and I know almost literally nothing about anything. And that's the way I like it!

"And Fry, you've got that brain thing."

An actress shouldn't have to get naked for her career, of course, but I find it odd that Aniston plays so many roles that have gratuitous scenes where she's almost naked, but go out of their way to avoid showing anything. I must have seen it in at least five films of hers. Just seems like an oddly specific bit of

Perhaps if I accidentally post a third time, the answer will be "Yes"…

Does Jennifer get almost-but-not-quite naked, or naked-but-slightly-off-camera, like she seems to in every film? Stop teasing me, woman!

Does Jennifer get almost-but-not-quite naked, or naked-but-slightly-off-camera, like she seems to in every film? Stop teasing me, woman!

I couldn't help but smirk at "It's all Battleworld", which I imagine being said in the most matter-of-fact tone, akin to describing the weather to someone else over the phone.

I was literally just saying this today. It's okay to just be a fan of something and enjoy it! We don't all have to speak like we're shareholders! Thank-you so much for voicing my thoughts more eloquently than I could.