
"Off of?"

Yeah, kinda like how many years after the prequels came out did you deem them secretly amazing but we're all too dumb to realize it?

I came back to this site despite seeing that on the list. WTF?

Ask them how long they plan on releasing games that aren't ready, essentially releasing a paid beta that will be patched along the way.

Loved it, but knew it didn't stand a chance. I believe NBC was circling the toilet with much force at this point.

1) "I don't like Green Day, so I'm gonna shit all over the HoF."
2) "My band isn't in the HoF, so I'm gonna shit all over the HoF."
3) You can't quantify or judge the subjective. Every Oscar-winning movie was unanimously acclaimed and flawless? Every Grammy-winning song was unique and performed to perfection? Some

Having My Boys and Party Down on the same list, no matter that list, is quite maddening.

Gravity Falls isn't just one of the best kids shows on TV, it's one of the best shows on TV period.

As long as Film Hitler is played by Donald Glover.

I think many here would be pleased with removing Girls and replacing it with an Always Sunny episode. Any of them.