Kaoss Vinning

Agree maybe a weeks time isn't long enough to ask them to put out an episode. They do all the production weeks before the episode airs but they still have a deadline, but hey what do I know.

Eh, agree to disagree. I don't think questions as a bad thing, but the show still feels random,sometimes unfinished, to me. I still like it and will keep watching it anyway. So there isn't a reason to argue.

Actually no…I don't. I don't know where you say me say that. But the plot is an important part of the show. What is a show/story without a plot?

Well what I think most people mean instead of incoherent is just that this episode needed to be a two parter. Like you said this episode asked a big question…but that's it. It asked a question and that is all these episodes seem to do. These episodes keep raising more questions. Sure it answered the question why did

It was awesome to see a lot of action like how adventure time should be, but the whole story felt… kind of random. As if there were too many things trying to fit into an 15 minute episode. It was great idea and could've been a great episode but because of time constraints it was just ok…But these episodes seem to