
the first episode was lovely — both funny and warm, and a perspective that's sorely missing from any media. if anything, it should be cool for some to get an insight into and for others to feel validated. really stoked to watch the rest.

"wouldn't the visual depiction of women have the potential
to appeal to straight men and lesbians equally, simply because both like
women sexually?"

"Brittany’s pitch has to do with how Kurt and Blaine made her feel like she had a place in high school. She admires them as trailblazers, but it’s not just admiration. They
helped make it easier to Brittany and Santana when they made it official."

I don't really take too much issue with Rachel/Sam, it's just really hard to believe when Sam has fallen "in love" with every single girl he's come in contact with. It all seems so disingenuous and forced. They're trying way too hard to wrap a bow around everything.

"I'm happy that I can generally route for Brittany and Santana as
individuals and as a couple, because the marquee LGBT couple on this
show should not really be an inspiration"

The only non-boring moment of this episode was Unique's performace. So good. I really wish they did this transitioning storyline with that character. It's completely out of character for Bieste — who always said she felt like a girl. They should have let her be a strong butch woman. What a disappointment.
Can we

3. Brittney genius revelation was idiotic. (What black hole did that come from?)

this episode wasn't perfect, but there was finally some really good writing. and man, do santana and brittany have such an authentic chemistry. their breezy/flirty banter seems almost too good to exist in the glee universe. they're really good at going from sweet to serious to funny, and everything in between.

i've watched that movie several times, so it's probably a matter of taste/relatability. i went into it loving both casey and june and it definitely held up for me. it was a rare gem in the way it dealt with female friendships — something that's absolutely rare in films. so if that's not something that interests you or